Muriwai Beach Horse Treks

Muriwai Beach Horse Treks have three main focuses, happy horses, happy customers and happy staff! They maintain optimal horse health, connect with their clients and provide and exceptional environment for all involved!

We did a couple of extensive shoots for MBHT to provide them with photo and video content to enhance their website and fill out their social media channels.

Are you looking for a photographer for your business?

“Lissa I am absolutely speechless, the photos are beautiful, they are way beyond my expectations!”
— Saara, Muriwai Beach Horse Treks


Alongside photography we produced 15 videos/reels and a feature film to give MBHT a range of content and versatility in how the showcase their business online. Here is a selection of the videos made.

Feature Film


Mouth Cover

Muriwai Beach Horse Treks



McConaghy Boats